Log opened at 2012-06-26 14:36:07 I: Connecting to configured address/port: I: Connected to client. :-) -> <- feature_set -i 32 -n show_hidden -v 1 -> <- feature_set -i 33 -n max_depth -v 3 -> <- feature_set -i 34 -n max_children -v 31 -> <- feature_get -i 35 -n encoding -> <- feature_get -i 36 -n supports_async -> <- stdout -i 37 -c 0 -> <- stderr -i 38 -c 0 -> <- breakpoint_set -i 39 -t line -f file:///home/bogdan/mangahigh.com/application/Mhf/Test/Library/Message/BusGatewayTest.php -n 24 -> <- breakpoint_set -i 40 -t line -f file:///home/bogdan/mangahigh.com/application/Mhf/Test/SimpleTest.php -n 6 -> <- step_into -i 41 -> <- stack_get -i 42 -> <- run -i 43 -> <- stack_get -i 44 -> <- stack_get -i 45 -> -> <- stop -i 46 -> Log closed at 2012-06-26 14:36:12