Starting test 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testGetZoneMetadataNoPage'. PHP Warning: Uncaught exception 'PHPUnit_Framework_ComparisonFailure' with message 'Failed asserting that two strings are equal.' in /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/Comparator/Scalar.php:110 Stack trace: #0 /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/Constraint/IsEqual.php(162): PHPUnit_Framework_Comparator_Scalar->assertEquals('getPage', 'getUri', 0, false, true) #1 /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/Matcher/MethodName.php(100): PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsEqual->evaluate('getUri', '', true) #2 /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/Matcher.php(246): PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher_MethodName->matches(Object(PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Invocation_Object)) #3 /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/InvocationMocker.php(155): PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher->matches(Object(PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Invocation_Object)) #4 /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/Generator.php(231) : eval()'d code(50): PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_InvocationMocker->invoke(Object(PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_ in /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/Comparator/Scalar.php on line 110 PHP Stack trace: PHP 1. {main}() /usr/bin/phpunit:0 PHP 2. PHPUnit_TextUI_Command::main($exit = *uninitialized*) /usr/bin/phpunit:46 PHP 3. PHPUnit_TextUI_Command->run($argv = array (0 => '/usr/bin/phpunit', 1 => '--bootstrap', 2 => 'autoload.php', 3 => '--debug', 4 => 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test'), $exit = TRUE) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/TextUI/Command.php:129 PHP 4. PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner->doRun($suite = ..., $arguments = array ('listGroups' => FALSE, 'loader' => NULL, 'useDefaultConfiguration' => TRUE, 'bootstrap' => 'autoload.php', 'debug' => TRUE, 'testSuffixes' => array (0 => 'Test.php', 1 => '.phpt'))) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/TextUI/Command.php:176 PHP 5. PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite->run($result = class PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult { protected $passed = array ('Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsClientData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsSiteData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedInNoUser' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0)); protected $errors = array (); protected $deprecatedFeatures = array (); protected $failures = array (); protected $notImplemented = array (); protected $skipped = array (); protected $listeners = array (0 => class PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter { protected $column = 15; protected $maxColumn = 65; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $numAssertions = 89; protected $numTests = 63; protected $numTestsRun = 15; protected $numTestsWidth = 2; protected $colors = FALSE; protected $debug = TRUE; protected $verbose = FALSE; protected $autoFlush = FALSE; protected $out = NULL; protected $outTarget = NULL; protected $printsHTML = FALSE }, 1 => class PHPUnit_Util_DeprecatedFeature_Logger { }); protected $runTests = 16; protected $time = 15.0797560215; protected $topTestSuite = ...; protected $codeCoverage = NULL; protected $convertErrorsToExceptions = TRUE; protected $stop = FALSE; protected $stopOnError = FALSE; protected $stopOnFailure = FALSE; protected $strictMode = FALSE; protected $stopOnIncomplete = FALSE; protected $stopOnSkipped = FALSE; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $timeoutForSmallTests = 1; protected $timeoutForMediumTests = 10; protected $timeoutForLargeTests = 60 }, $filter = FALSE, $groups = array (), $excludeGroups = array (), $processIsolation = FALSE) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php:349 PHP 6. PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite->runTest($test = ..., $result = class PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult { protected $passed = array ('Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsClientData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsSiteData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedInNoUser' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0)); protected $errors = array (); protected $deprecatedFeatures = array (); protected $failures = array (); protected $notImplemented = array (); protected $skipped = array (); protected $listeners = array (0 => class PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter { protected $column = 15; protected $maxColumn = 65; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $numAssertions = 89; protected $numTests = 63; protected $numTestsRun = 15; protected $numTestsWidth = 2; protected $colors = FALSE; protected $debug = TRUE; protected $verbose = FALSE; protected $autoFlush = FALSE; protected $out = NULL; protected $outTarget = NULL; protected $printsHTML = FALSE }, 1 => class PHPUnit_Util_DeprecatedFeature_Logger { }); protected $runTests = 16; protected $time = 15.0797560215; protected $topTestSuite = ...; protected $codeCoverage = NULL; protected $convertErrorsToExceptions = TRUE; protected $stop = FALSE; protected $stopOnError = FALSE; protected $stopOnFailure = FALSE; protected $strictMode = FALSE; protected $stopOnIncomplete = FALSE; protected $stopOnSkipped = FALSE; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $timeoutForSmallTests = 1; protected $timeoutForMediumTests = 10; protected $timeoutForLargeTests = 60 }) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestSuite.php:745 PHP 7. Synacor_Base_Test->run($result = class PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult { protected $passed = array ('Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsClientData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsSiteData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedInNoUser' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0)); protected $errors = array (); protected $deprecatedFeatures = array (); protected $failures = array (); protected $notImplemented = array (); protected $skipped = array (); protected $listeners = array (0 => class PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter { protected $column = 15; protected $maxColumn = 65; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $numAssertions = 89; protected $numTests = 63; protected $numTestsRun = 15; protected $numTestsWidth = 2; protected $colors = FALSE; protected $debug = TRUE; protected $verbose = FALSE; protected $autoFlush = FALSE; protected $out = NULL; protected $outTarget = NULL; protected $printsHTML = FALSE }, 1 => class PHPUnit_Util_DeprecatedFeature_Logger { }); protected $runTests = 16; protected $time = 15.0797560215; protected $topTestSuite = ...; protected $codeCoverage = NULL; protected $convertErrorsToExceptions = TRUE; protected $stop = FALSE; protected $stopOnError = FALSE; protected $stopOnFailure = FALSE; protected $strictMode = FALSE; protected $stopOnIncomplete = FALSE; protected $stopOnSkipped = FALSE; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $timeoutForSmallTests = 1; protected $timeoutForMediumTests = 10; protected $timeoutForLargeTests = 60 }) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestSuite.php:775 PHP 8. PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase->run($result = class PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult { protected $passed = array ('Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsClientData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsSiteData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedInNoUser' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0)); protected $errors = array (); protected $deprecatedFeatures = array (); protected $failures = array (); protected $notImplemented = array (); protected $skipped = array (); protected $listeners = array (0 => class PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter { protected $column = 15; protected $maxColumn = 65; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $numAssertions = 89; protected $numTests = 63; protected $numTestsRun = 15; protected $numTestsWidth = 2; protected $colors = FALSE; protected $debug = TRUE; protected $verbose = FALSE; protected $autoFlush = FALSE; protected $out = NULL; protected $outTarget = NULL; protected $printsHTML = FALSE }, 1 => class PHPUnit_Util_DeprecatedFeature_Logger { }); protected $runTests = 16; protected $time = 15.0797560215; protected $topTestSuite = ...; protected $codeCoverage = NULL; protected $convertErrorsToExceptions = TRUE; protected $stop = FALSE; protected $stopOnError = FALSE; protected $stopOnFailure = FALSE; protected $strictMode = FALSE; protected $stopOnIncomplete = FALSE; protected $stopOnSkipped = FALSE; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $timeoutForSmallTests = 1; protected $timeoutForMediumTests = 10; protected $timeoutForLargeTests = 60 }) /usr/local/apache/htdocs/unittests/Synacor/Base/Test.php:373 PHP 9. PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult->run($test = ...) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php:783 PHP 10. PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase->runBare() /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestResult.php:648 PHP 11. PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase->runTest() /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php:838 PHP 12. ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(..., array ()) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php:983 PHP 13. Synacor_Portal_Component_Test->testGetZoneMetadataNoPage() /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php:983 PHP 14. Synacor_Portal_Component->getZoneMetadata() /usr/local/apache/htdocs/Portal/unittests/Component/Test.php:278 PHP 15. Mock_Synacor_Portal_Component_8ef1e323->getUri() /var/tmp/synacor_framework_unittests_tmpincludes_mturland/includes/Synacor/Portal/Component.php:189 PHP 16. PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_InvocationMocker->invoke($invocation = class PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Invocation_Object { public $object = ...; public $className = 'Synacor_Entity'; public $methodName = 'getUri'; public $parameters = array () }) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/Generator.php(231) : eval()'d code:50 PHP 17. PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher->matches($invocation = class PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Invocation_Object { public $object = ...; public $className = 'Synacor_Entity'; public $methodName = 'getUri'; public $parameters = array () }) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/InvocationMocker.php:155 PHP 18. PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher_MethodName->matches($invocation = class PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Invocation_Object { public $object = ...; public $className = 'Synacor_Entity'; public $methodName = 'getUri'; public $parameters = array () }) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/Matcher.php:246 PHP 19. PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsEqual->evaluate($other = 'getUri', $description = '', $returnResult = TRUE) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/Matcher/MethodName.php:100 PHP 20. PHPUnit_Framework_Comparator_Scalar->assertEquals($expected = 'getPage', $actual = 'getUri', $delta = 0, $canonicalize = FALSE, $ignoreCase = TRUE) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/Constraint/IsEqual.php:162 PHP Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 735051776) (tried to allocate 2896666497 bytes) in /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/Comparator/Scalar.php on line 117 PHP Stack trace: PHP 1. {main}() /usr/bin/phpunit:0 PHP 2. PHPUnit_TextUI_Command::main($exit = *uninitialized*) /usr/bin/phpunit:46 PHP 3. PHPUnit_TextUI_Command->run($argv = array (0 => '/usr/bin/phpunit', 1 => '--bootstrap', 2 => 'autoload.php', 3 => '--debug', 4 => 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test'), $exit = TRUE) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/TextUI/Command.php:129 PHP 4. PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner->doRun($suite = ..., $arguments = array ('listGroups' => FALSE, 'loader' => NULL, 'useDefaultConfiguration' => TRUE, 'bootstrap' => 'autoload.php', 'debug' => TRUE, 'testSuffixes' => array (0 => 'Test.php', 1 => '.phpt'))) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/TextUI/Command.php:176 PHP 5. PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite->run($result = class PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult { protected $passed = array ('Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsClientData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsSiteData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedInNoUser' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0)); protected $errors = array (); protected $deprecatedFeatures = array (); protected $failures = array (); protected $notImplemented = array (); protected $skipped = array (); protected $listeners = array (0 => class PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter { protected $column = 15; protected $maxColumn = 65; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $numAssertions = 89; protected $numTests = 63; protected $numTestsRun = 15; protected $numTestsWidth = 2; protected $colors = FALSE; protected $debug = TRUE; protected $verbose = FALSE; protected $autoFlush = FALSE; protected $out = NULL; protected $outTarget = NULL; protected $printsHTML = FALSE }, 1 => class PHPUnit_Util_DeprecatedFeature_Logger { }); protected $runTests = 16; protected $time = 15.0797560215; protected $topTestSuite = ...; protected $codeCoverage = NULL; protected $convertErrorsToExceptions = TRUE; protected $stop = FALSE; protected $stopOnError = FALSE; protected $stopOnFailure = FALSE; protected $strictMode = FALSE; protected $stopOnIncomplete = FALSE; protected $stopOnSkipped = FALSE; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $timeoutForSmallTests = 1; protected $timeoutForMediumTests = 10; protected $timeoutForLargeTests = 60 }, $filter = FALSE, $groups = array (), $excludeGroups = array (), $processIsolation = FALSE) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner.php:349 PHP 6. PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite->runTest($test = ..., $result = class PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult { protected $passed = array ('Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsClientData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsSiteData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedInNoUser' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0)); protected $errors = array (); protected $deprecatedFeatures = array (); protected $failures = array (); protected $notImplemented = array (); protected $skipped = array (); protected $listeners = array (0 => class PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter { protected $column = 15; protected $maxColumn = 65; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $numAssertions = 89; protected $numTests = 63; protected $numTestsRun = 15; protected $numTestsWidth = 2; protected $colors = FALSE; protected $debug = TRUE; protected $verbose = FALSE; protected $autoFlush = FALSE; protected $out = NULL; protected $outTarget = NULL; protected $printsHTML = FALSE }, 1 => class PHPUnit_Util_DeprecatedFeature_Logger { }); protected $runTests = 16; protected $time = 15.0797560215; protected $topTestSuite = ...; protected $codeCoverage = NULL; protected $convertErrorsToExceptions = TRUE; protected $stop = FALSE; protected $stopOnError = FALSE; protected $stopOnFailure = FALSE; protected $strictMode = FALSE; protected $stopOnIncomplete = FALSE; protected $stopOnSkipped = FALSE; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $timeoutForSmallTests = 1; protected $timeoutForMediumTests = 10; protected $timeoutForLargeTests = 60 }) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestSuite.php:745 PHP 7. Synacor_Base_Test->run($result = class PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult { protected $passed = array ('Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsClientData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsSiteData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedInNoUser' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0)); protected $errors = array (); protected $deprecatedFeatures = array (); protected $failures = array (); protected $notImplemented = array (); protected $skipped = array (); protected $listeners = array (0 => class PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter { protected $column = 15; protected $maxColumn = 65; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $numAssertions = 89; protected $numTests = 63; protected $numTestsRun = 15; protected $numTestsWidth = 2; protected $colors = FALSE; protected $debug = TRUE; protected $verbose = FALSE; protected $autoFlush = FALSE; protected $out = NULL; protected $outTarget = NULL; protected $printsHTML = FALSE }, 1 => class PHPUnit_Util_DeprecatedFeature_Logger { }); protected $runTests = 16; protected $time = 15.0797560215; protected $topTestSuite = ...; protected $codeCoverage = NULL; protected $convertErrorsToExceptions = TRUE; protected $stop = FALSE; protected $stopOnError = FALSE; protected $stopOnFailure = FALSE; protected $strictMode = FALSE; protected $stopOnIncomplete = FALSE; protected $stopOnSkipped = FALSE; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $timeoutForSmallTests = 1; protected $timeoutForMediumTests = 10; protected $timeoutForLargeTests = 60 }) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestSuite.php:775 PHP 8. PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase->run($result = class PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult { protected $passed = array ('Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsClientData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsSiteData' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedInNoUser' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testDoActionSetsUserLoggedIn with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInCustomizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #0' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #1' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #2' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #3' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0), 'Synacor_Portal_Component_Test::testIsInMinizableZone with data set #4' => array ('result' => NULL, 'size' => 0)); protected $errors = array (); protected $deprecatedFeatures = array (); protected $failures = array (); protected $notImplemented = array (); protected $skipped = array (); protected $listeners = array (0 => class PHPUnit_TextUI_ResultPrinter { protected $column = 15; protected $maxColumn = 65; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $numAssertions = 89; protected $numTests = 63; protected $numTestsRun = 15; protected $numTestsWidth = 2; protected $colors = FALSE; protected $debug = TRUE; protected $verbose = FALSE; protected $autoFlush = FALSE; protected $out = NULL; protected $outTarget = NULL; protected $printsHTML = FALSE }, 1 => class PHPUnit_Util_DeprecatedFeature_Logger { }); protected $runTests = 16; protected $time = 15.0797560215; protected $topTestSuite = ...; protected $codeCoverage = NULL; protected $convertErrorsToExceptions = TRUE; protected $stop = FALSE; protected $stopOnError = FALSE; protected $stopOnFailure = FALSE; protected $strictMode = FALSE; protected $stopOnIncomplete = FALSE; protected $stopOnSkipped = FALSE; protected $lastTestFailed = FALSE; protected $timeoutForSmallTests = 1; protected $timeoutForMediumTests = 10; protected $timeoutForLargeTests = 60 }) /usr/local/apache/htdocs/unittests/Synacor/Base/Test.php:373 PHP 9. PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult->run($test = ...) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php:783 PHP 10. PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase->runBare() /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestResult.php:648 PHP 11. PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase->runTest() /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php:838 PHP 12. ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(..., array ()) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php:983 PHP 13. Synacor_Portal_Component_Test->testGetZoneMetadataNoPage() /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php:983 PHP 14. Synacor_Portal_Component->getZoneMetadata() /usr/local/apache/htdocs/Portal/unittests/Component/Test.php:278 PHP 15. Mock_Synacor_Portal_Component_8ef1e323->getUri() /var/tmp/synacor_framework_unittests_tmpincludes_mturland/includes/Synacor/Portal/Component.php:189 PHP 16. PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_InvocationMocker->invoke($invocation = class PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Invocation_Object { public $object = ...; public $className = 'Synacor_Entity'; public $methodName = 'getUri'; public $parameters = array () }) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/Generator.php(231) : eval()'d code:50 PHP 17. PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher->matches($invocation = class PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Invocation_Object { public $object = ...; public $className = 'Synacor_Entity'; public $methodName = 'getUri'; public $parameters = array () }) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/InvocationMocker.php:155 PHP 18. PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Matcher_MethodName->matches($invocation = class PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Invocation_Object { public $object = ...; public $className = 'Synacor_Entity'; public $methodName = 'getUri'; public $parameters = array () }) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/Matcher.php:246 PHP 19. PHPUnit_Framework_Constraint_IsEqual->evaluate($other = 'getUri', $description = '', $returnResult = TRUE) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/MockObject/Matcher/MethodName.php:100 PHP 20. PHPUnit_Framework_Comparator_Scalar->assertEquals($expected = 'getPage', $actual = 'getUri', $delta = 0, $canonicalize = FALSE, $ignoreCase = TRUE) /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/Framework/Constraint/IsEqual.php:162