[11056] Log opened at 2020-03-02 18:12:31 [11056] I: Connecting to configured address/port: [11056] I: Connected to client. :-) [11056] -> [11056] <- eval -i 1 -- KHN0cmluZykoaW5pX2dldCgneGRlYnVnLmNvdmVyYWdlX2VuYWJsZScpLic7Jy5pbmlfZ2V0KCd4ZGVidWcucHJvZmlsZXJfZW5hYmxlJykuJzsnLmluaV9nZXQoJ3hkZWJ1Zy5yZW1vdGVfYXV0b3N0YXJ0JykuJzsnLmluaV9nZXQoJ3hkZWJ1Zy5yZW1vdGVfY29ubmVjdF9iYWNrJykuJzsnLmluaV9nZXQoJ3hkZWJ1Zy5yZW1vdGVfbW9kZScpKQ== [11056] -> [11056] <- feature_set -i 2 -n show_hidden -v 1 [11056] -> [11056] <- feature_set -i 3 -n max_depth -v 1 [11056] -> [11056] <- feature_set -i 4 -n max_children -v 100 [11056] -> [11056] <- feature_set -i 5 -n extended_properties -v 1 [11056] -> [11056] <- status -i 6 [11056] -> [11056] <- step_into -i 7 [11056] -> [11056] <- breakpoint_set -i 8 -t line -f file:///home/user/PhpstormProjects/debugger/debug_console/troubleshooting/PageIndex.php -n 10 [11056] -> [11056] <- stack_get -i 9 [11056] -> [11056] <- run -i 10 [11056] -> [11056] <- stack_get -i 11 [11056] -> [11056] <- context_names -i 12 [11056] -> [11056] <- context_get -i 13 -d 0 -c 0 [11056] -> [11056] <- context_get -i 14 -d 0 -c 1 [11056] -> [11056] <- context_get -i 15 -d 0 -c 2 [11056] -> [11056] <- run -i 16 [11056] -> [11056] <- run -i 17 [11056] Log closed at 2020-03-02 18:12:33