View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001944XdebugTracingpublic2021-05-23 15:44
ReporterIvan.Fedorov Assigned Toderick  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.0.2 
Target Version3.0devFixed in Version3.0.4 
Summary0001944: tracing is started without trigger, when profiler is also enabled

Trace isn't collected when xdebug.mode has "trace" but doesn't have "profile" mode

Steps To Reproduce

Configure xdebug in php.ini file like below

Create file file.php with some code

Try to invoke php file.php in CLI

No trace or profiler will be generated

Change xdebug.mode to xdebug.mode=develop,trace,profile

Try to invoke php file.php in CLI one more time

Trace and profile files will be generated in xdebug.output_dir

TagsNo tags attached.
Operating System
PHP Version8.0.0-8.0.4



2021-02-18 11:53

administrator   ~0005676

I can confirm this issue. Thanks for the succinct bug report.

I can distil it down to something even smaller (mostly writing this down for my own memory for when I delve into fixing this):

mkdir -p /tmp/1944 && cd /tmp/1944 && php -n -d zend_extension=xdebug -dxdebug.mode=develop,profile,trace -dxdebug.client_host=localhost -dxdebug.client_port=9003 -dxdebug.log=/tmp/1944.log -dxdebug.output_dir=/tmp/1944 -r 'echo strlen("BUG");'


2021-03-15 11:16

administrator   ~0005709

This bug is now fixed in GIT, but not exactly in the way you originally described.

What should have happened: no trace file, but only a profile file

The xdebug.start_with_request setting is by default "default". For the profiler, that means "yes", which means that the profiler will start at the start of the request, but for the tracer this default means "trigger" - i.e., only if XDEBUG_TRIGGER=<some value>.

Now that the bug is fixed, you can start the tracer by doing either (of course you can make these settings in php.ini):

XDEBUG_TRIGGER=start php -dxdebug.mode=tracer yourscript.php
php -dxdebug.mode=tracer -dxdebug.start_with_request=yes yourscript.php



2021-05-23 15:33

reporter   ~0005887

This should be documented in , as the advised options are not enough.


2021-05-23 15:44

reporter   ~0005888

UPDATE: The issue was on my side, ignore the comment above.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-02-11 14:48 Ivan.Fedorov New Issue
2021-02-18 11:53 derick Assigned To => derick
2021-02-18 11:53 derick Status new => confirmed
2021-02-18 11:53 derick Note Added: 0005676
2021-02-18 11:53 derick Severity minor => major
2021-02-18 11:53 derick Target Version => 3.0.3
2021-02-18 11:53 derick Steps to Reproduce Updated
2021-02-18 11:54 derick Steps to Reproduce Updated
2021-02-18 11:54 derick Target Version 3.0.3 => 3.0dev
2021-03-15 10:49 derick Summary Trace isn't collected until "profile" flag is set in php.ini => tracing is started without trigger, when profiler is also enabled
2021-03-15 11:16 derick Status confirmed => closed
2021-03-15 11:16 derick Resolution open => fixed
2021-03-15 11:16 derick Fixed in Version => 3.0dev
2021-03-15 11:16 derick Note Added: 0005709
2021-03-15 16:33 derick Fixed in Version 3.0dev => 3.0.4
2021-05-23 15:33 videoice Note Added: 0005887
2021-05-23 15:44 videoice Note Added: 0005888