Xdebug - Change Log
Released 2016-01-25
- 0001250: [Step Debugging] Add PHP version descriptors to debugging log and profile files (derick)
- 0001245: [Uncategorized] xdebug_dump_superglobals dumps uninitialized for POST and GET superglobals (derick)
- 0001238: [Uncategorized] php-fpm7.0 crashed with SIGSEGV in xdebug_var_export() (derick)
- 0001236: [Uncategorized] Unable to remove break points during debug session (derick)
- 0001235: [Installation] Xdebug does not compile against PHP 7.1-dev (derick)
- 0001223: [Uncategorized] Xdebug crashes on PHP 7 when doing a DBGp eval command (derick)
- 0001220: [Uncategorized] Segmentation fault if var_dump() output is too large (derick)
- 0001190: [Uncategorized] All tests that have hard coded directory separators FAIL (derick)
- 0001239: [Uncategorized] Xdebug on PHP 7.1-dev, crashes due to changes with the CATCH opcode's jump mechanism (derick)
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