Xdebug - Change Log
Not Yet Released
1 issue View Issues
Released 2024-04-15
- 0002234: [Step Debugging] When Step Debugging is enabled in Trigger mode, there is a 27+ times slowdown in performance despite no step debug session (derick)
- 0002216: [Uncategorized] With PHP8.3 and Apache 2.4.58 error_reporting() causing Apache process to hang (derick)
- 0002230: [Uncategorized] Crash when xdebug and blackfire extensions are active (derick)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2023-12-14
- 0002221: [Uncategorized] Crash when other extensions run PHP code without the stack being initialised yet (derick)
- 0002220: [Uncategorized] Test failure (derick)
- 0002223: [Uncategorized] Xdebug's constants are not available with
(derick) - 0002226: [Stacktraces] xdebug_get_function_stack(['from_exception']) does not always find stored trace (derick)
- 0002227: [Stacktraces] Crash with return value and observers (derick)
- 0002228: [Step Debugging] Return value can not be fetched with property_get if top frame is an internal function (derick)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2023-11-30
- 0001155: [Step Debugging] Local variables are not shown when execution break in error_handler (derick)
- 0002171: [Installation] Build from master fails on php 8.3 (derick)
- 0002219: [Uncategorized] Add control socket on LInux to obtain information and initiate debugger or breakpoint (derick)
- 0002207: [Tracing] Add filenames for include and friends to flamegraph output (derick)
- 0002208: [Uncategorized] Superfluous
(three omission dots) in var_dump() (derick) - 0002210: [Tracing] Flamegraphs crash when using
(derick) - 0002211: [Step Debugging] File wrappers get wrong filename location in stack. (derick)
- 0002027: [Code Coverage] Branch/path code coverage for traits drops trait name since 3.1.0 (derick)
- 0002214: [Tracing] Array keys aren't escaped in traces (derick)
- 0002217: [Step Debugging] xdebug://gateway pseudo host does not support IPv6 (derick)
- 0002077: [Tracing] Bring back xdebug.collect_params (derick)
- 0001732: [Profiling] Add support for flame graph outputs (derick)
- 0002206: [Step Debugging] Optimise debugger breakpoints checking (derick)
- 0002203: [Stacktraces] Increase default max nesting time out from 256 to 512 (derick)
- 0002200: [Uncategorized] PECL package file has wrong max PHP version number, and peclweb refuses the package (derick)
- 0002197: [Stacktraces] Add time index and memory to output of xdebug_get_function_stack (derick)
- 0002195: [Stacktraces] Add 'from_exception' option to 'xdebug_get_function_stack' to return the stack trace where an exception was thrown (derick)
- 0000476: [Uncategorized] Exception chaining does not work properly (derick)
- 0001562: [Stacktraces] Add 'local_vars' option to 'xdebug_get_function_stack' to include variables for each st (derick)
- 0002132: [Uncategorized] Errors when mountinfo does not have enough information for finding systemd private tmp directory (derick)
- 0002170: [Step Debugging] Show contents of Spl's ArrayIterator (derick)
- 0002172: [Step Debugging] Show contents of SplDoublyLinkedList and SplPriorityQueue (derick)
- 0002183: [Step Debugging] Bubble up exception message when using code evalution through protocol (derick)
- 0002188: [Step Debugging] Step over with fibers does still step into fiber routines (derick)
- 0002194: [Stacktraces] Add 'params_as_values' option to 'xdebug_get_function_stack' to return data as values (derick)
- 0000450: [Uncategorized] "Incomplete" backtraces when an exception gets rethrown (derick)
26 issues View Issues
Released 2023-07-14
- 0002175: [Step Debugging] Crash with EXC_BAD_ACCESS in xdebug_str_create (derick)
- 0002180: [Step Debugging] Crash on extended SplFixedArray (derick)
- 0002182: [Stacktraces] Segfault with ArrayObject on stack (derick)
- 0002186: [Step Debugging] Segfault with trampoline functions and debugger activation (derick)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-12-08
- 0001819: [Step Debugging] Allow a list of headers in 'xdebug.client_discovery_header' (derick)
- 0002108: [Code Coverage] Segfault on PHP8.1 with PHPUnit 10 when path coverage is enabled (derick)
- 0002138: [Step Debugging] Step debugger does not stop when the debugging client closes the connection (derick)
- 0002126: [Step Debugging] Problems with retrieving global variables (derick)
- 0002127: [Tracing] Tracing does not handle NUL char in anonymous closure scope (derick)
- 0002133: [Step Debugging] Warning with regards to extra NUL character in xdebug_setcookie call (derick)
- 0002135: [Step Debugging] Xdebug stops twice at the same line after a call breakpoint or xdebug_break() (derick)
- 0002136: [Step Debugging] Duplicate line/conditional breakpoints are not rejected (derick)
- 0002113: [Step Debugging] Crash at step_into after thrown exception with return value debugging en (derick)
- 0002117: [Uncategorized] Removed emulated properties for closures, as PHP 8.2 adds debug information for them (derick)
- 0002121: [Uncategorized] Xdebug does not use local independent float-to-string functions (derick)
- 0002122: [Step Debugging] Local variables are not available when using start_upon_error (derick)
- 0002123: [Step Debugging] Add warning in log and diagnositics information when a breakpoint is set on a non-existing file (derick)
- 0002124: [Step Debugging] Xdebug incorrectly reports that there are no children for static closure properties, even thought there are (derick)
- 0002125: [Code Coverage] Crash with PHP 8.2 on 32-bit due to change in "not set" value with CATCH opcode (derick)
- 0002112: [Step Debugging] Force 'return_value' breakpoint information and step to 'on' temporarily (derick)
- 0002105: [Uncategorized] 3.2.0alpha1 package misses the php-header.h file (derick)
- 0002002: [Tracing] xdebug_trace_handler_t handler members are not always checked for NULL when executing (derick)
- 0002045: [Uncategorized] Inapproriate frowny face (derick)
- 0002014: [Uncategorized] Drop support for PHP 7.2 (derick)
- 0002098: [Step Debugging] With breakpoint_include_return_value enabled step_out break at every function (derick)
- 0002104: [Uncategorized] Add support for PHP 8.2 "SensitiveParameter" attribute (derick)
- 0002103: [Uncategorized] Remove support for PHP 7.4 (derick)
- 0002062: [Documentation] Profiler can't able to write cachegrind file at /tmp (derick)
- 0002079: [Step Debugging] Add pseudo hosts xdebug://gateway and xdebug://nameserver (derick)
- 0002086: [Step Debugging] Include return value in return breakpoint interruption response (derick)
- 0002087: [Step Debugging] Introduce step for the return state and virtual property for return value (derick)
- 0002102: [Uncategorized] Drop support for PHP 7.3 (derick)
- 0002093: [Installation] Fatal error: linux/rtnetlink.h: No such file or directory linux/rtnetlink.h (derick)
- 0002089: [Installation] Alpine Linux does not support res_ninit (derick)
30 issues View Issues
Released 2022-11-08
- 0002129: [Profiling] Cannot read snapshot Gzip-compressed data is corrupt (derick)
- 0002101: [Step Debugging] When a temporary breakpoint is hit, breakpoint_list should show it as disabled (derick)
- 0002100: [Uncategorized] "Fatal error: debuginfo() must return an array" when Exception is thrown from debugInfo in PHP 8.x (derick)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2022-06-06
- 0002056: [Documentation] Install documentation gives wrong arch for installation on M1 Macs (derick)
- 0002082: [Installation] phpize --clean removes required clocks.m4 file (derick)
- 0002083: [Step Debugging] Constant defined with an enum case produce double "facet" attribute in context_get response (derick)
- 0002090: [Uncategorized] Segfault in __callStatic() after FFI initialization (derick)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2022-04-04
- 0002006: [Step Debugging] Removing second call breakpoint with same function name (derick)
- 0002061: [Uncategorized] Possible use after free with GC Stats (derick)
- 0002063: [Step Debugging] Can't inspect ArrayObject storage elements (derick)
- 0002064: [Uncategorized] Segmentation fault in symfony cache (derick)
- 0002068: [Step Debugging] Debug session can be started with "XDEBUG_SESSION_START=anything" when xdebug.trigger_value is set (derick)
- 0002069: [Profiling] Warn when profiler_append is used together with zlib compression (derick)
- 0002075: [Code Coverage] Code coverage misses static array assignment lines (derick)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2022-02-01
- 0002055: [Step Debugging] Debugger creates XML with double facet attribute (derick)
- 0002049: [Step Debugging] evaling broken code (still) causes unhandled exception in PHP 7.4 (derick)
- 0002052: [Tracing] Memory leak when a trace file can't be opened because xdebug.trace_output_name is invalid (derick)
- 0002054: [Tracing] Slowdown when calling a function with long string parameters (derick)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-12-01
- 0002037: [Profiling] Crash when profile file can not be created (derick)
- 0002036: [Uncategorized] Segfault on fiber switch in finally block in garbage collected fiber (derick)
- 0002041: [Uncategorized] __debugInfo is not used for var_dump output (derick)
- 0002046: [Tracing] Segault on xdebug_get_function_stack inside a Fiber (derick)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-10-15
- 0002016: [Uncategorized] apache gives no output with xdebug 3.1.0b2 installed (derick)
- 0002024: [Uncategorized] Apache restarts in a loop under PHP 8.1.0 RC3 (derick)
- 0002029: [Tracing] incorrect and inaccurate date and time displayed in xdebug.log and trace files (derick)
- 0002030: [Step Debugging] PhpStorm step-debug not working on PHP 8.0.11 (derick)
- 0002032: [Uncategorized] Use runtime PHP version in DBGp and info pages instead of compiled-against version (derick)
- 0002034: [Uncategorized] Xdebug throws a Segmentation fault when 'set_time_limit' function is disabled (derick)
- 0002035: [Installation] Xdebug block everything with localhost in XAMMP (derick)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2021-10-04
- 0001993: [Step Debugging] eval-ing broken code causes stepping to break (derick)
- 0001938: [Code Coverage] Branches in traits aren’t marked as executed (derick)
- 0001472: [Tracing] Add assignments to computer readable trace format (derick)
- 0001986: [Step Debugging] Add support for multiple trigger values (derick)
- 0001989: [Profiling] Profiling does not output correct class when parent keyword is used (derick)
- 0001992: [Code Coverage] Code Coverage with filter produces Segmentation fault on xdebug_stop_code_coverage() (derick)
- 0001996: [Uncategorized] Add support for Closure visualisation in traces, debugging, and Xdebug's var_dump (derick)
- 0001997: [Step Debugging] Added xdebug_connect_to_client() to attempt a debugging connect while running code (derick)
- 0001998: [Step Debugging] Double facet attribute generated for enums that are stored in properties (derick)
- 0001999: [Step Debugging] Add "readonly" facet to PHP 8.1 readonly properties (derick)
- 0002001: [Profiling] Add 'xdebug.use_compression' setting to turn on/off compression for profiling files (derick)
- 0002004: [Uncategorized] Figure out what "XDEBUG_SHOW_FNAME_TODO" define is for (derick)
- 0002008: [Step Debugging] Using the XDEBUG_SESSION cookie could bypass shared-secret checks (derick)
- 0002009: [Code Coverage] xdebug_stop_code_coverage's argument has type mismatch (derick)
- 0002011: [Step Debugging] Closures as protected properties have double facet XML attribute (derick)
- 0002013: [Uncategorized] Support PHP 8.1 (derick)
- 0001980: [Uncategorized] PHP 8.1: Mark enum classes as "enum" (derick)
- 0001978: [Uncategorized] Xdebug's log messages are cut off at 512 bytes (derick)
- 0001537: [Documentation] Add links to documentation to various different "features" after wizard has run (derick)
- 0001738: [Step Debugging] Add xdebug_notify() function to send data through DBGp to a debugging client (derick)
- 0001853: [Profiling] Enable profile compression for cachegrind files (derick)
- 0001890: [Step Debugging] Add connected client and protocol features to diagnostic page (derick)
- 0001898: [Uncategorized] API for querying the currently active mode(s) (derick)
- 0001933: [Step Debugging] Allow for cloud ID to be set through the trigger (derick)
- 0001948: [Uncategorized] Do not redirect warning and error messages to PHP's error log if an Xdebug log is active (derick)
- 0001949: [Step Debugging] private properties for internal classes can't be fetched for debugging (derick)
- 0001976: [Step Debugging] Switch debug session cookie to Lax, and remove expiry time (derick)
- 0001974: [Tracing] Add gzip support to trace files (derick)
- 0001972: [Uncategorized] Add support for PHP 8.1 Fibers (derick)
- 0001970: [Stacktraces] xdebug_get_function_stack with unnamed (internal) parameters have wrong index (derick)
- 0001969: [Step Debugging] Provide breakpoint ID / info in DBGp run command responses (derick)
- 0001963: [Uncategorized] php exit code = -1073741819 when xdebug.mode = off (Windows Thread Safe Only) (derick)
- 0002007: [Installation] xdebug 3.x fails to build on OS X 10.11 or earlier due to clock_gettime_nsec_np requirement (derick)
- 0002018: [Uncategorized] zlib compression support on Windows (derick)
- 0002019: [Uncategorized] Xdebug crash because of uninitialized memory (derick)
- 0002020: [Uncategorized] segfault if xdebug.dump.GET=* and integer key without value in URL (derick)
- 0002021: [Step Debugging] Segmentation fault due to NULL bytes in internal anonymous class names (derick)
- 0002025: [Step Debugging] Anonymous classes which extend are not detected as anonymous classes since PHP 8.0 (derick)
38 issues View Issues
Released 2021-04-08
- 0001944: [Tracing] tracing is started without trigger, when profiler is also enabled (derick)
- 0001950: [Tracing] Assignment trace with ASSIGN_OBJ_REF crashes (derick)
- 0001802: [Documentation] Improve xdebug.org home page (derick)
- 0001954: [Tracing] Calling xdebug_start_trace without mode including tracing results in a fatal error (derick)
- 0001947: [Uncategorized] xdebug_info() settings section does not show the modes that are overridden by XDEBUG_MODE (derick)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2021-02-22
- 0001930: [Step Debugging] No local variables with trigger and xdebug_break() (derick)
- 0001940: [Installation] Wrong type used for showing GC Stats reports (derick)
- 0001932: [Code Coverage] One line in multi-line string concatenation is not covered (derick)
- 0001931: [Uncategorized] xdebug_info() output misses configuration settings if phpinfo() has been called (derick)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2021-01-04
- 0001922: [Code Coverage] Code coverage misses array assignment lines (derick)
- 0001919: [Code Coverage] Crash when enabling filter without the right mode active (derick)
- 0001926: [Uncategorized] Add Xdebug mode's source to xdebug_info() output (derick)
- 0001921: [Step Debugging] Xdebug does not start step debugging if start_with_request=trigger (derick)
- 0001928: [Uncategorized] xdebug_stop_gcstats() can also return false (derick)
- 0001927: [Tracing] Crash when calling xdebug_stop_trace without a trace in progress (derick)
- 0001925: [Step Debugging] xdebug.start_with_request and start_upon_error display inconsistent values (derick)
- 0001924: [Installation] Deprecated INI settings displayed in phpinfo() (derick)
- 0001915: [Uncategorized] Debugger should only start with XDEBUG_SESSION and not XDEBUG_PROFILE (derick)
- 0001918: [Profiling] Warn if PHP's Garbage Collection is disabled in gc_stats mode (derick)
- 0001914: [Installation] Compillation failure on OpenBSD (derick)
- 0001910: [Code Coverage] Code coverage misses constructor property promotion code (derick)
- 0001907: [Uncategorized] Empty exception message when setting the $message property to a stringable object (derick)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2020-12-04
- 0001904: [Profiling] Profile and trace files using %t or %u do not get the right names (derick)
- 0001905: [Step Debugging] Debugger does not disable request timeouts (derick)
- 0001900: [Installation] Update README and add run-xdebug-tests to package (derick)
- 0001893: [Code Coverage] Crash with ext-fiber and xdebug.mode=coverage (derick)
- 0001903: [Code Coverage] Constants should always be available, regardless of which mode Xdebug is in (derick)
- 0001902: [Installation] Compillation failure on AIX (derick)
- 0001901: [Stacktraces] Stack traces are shown (with a broken time) when Xdebug's mode includes 'debug' but not 'develop' or 'trace' (derick)
- 0001897: [Step Debugging] Crash when removing a breakpoint (derick)
- 0001896: [Uncategorized] Segfault with closures that are not created from user code (derick)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2020-11-26
- 0001843: [Uncategorized] Adjust XDEBUG_CONFIG checks, and document what can be set through it (derick)
- 0001892: [Documentation] Document changed/removed ini settings in the upgrade guide with the links provided (derick)
- 0001835: [Uncategorized] Add current trace and profile file name, to diagnostic page (derick)
- 0001889: [Uncategorized] max_nesting_level should only trigger in "develop" mode (derick)
- 0001726: [Uncategorized] Memory leaks spotted in various places in typical error code paths (derick)
- 0001888: [Uncategorized] Make headers sticky in xdebug_info() output (derick)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2020-11-16
- 0001608: [Step Debugging] XDEBUG_CONFIG env var make sessions automatically START ever (at least send the XDEBUG_SESSION cookie) (derick)
- 0001814: [Step Debugging] Don't obtain the current time when it's not needed (derick)
- 0001880: [Installation] Bundled unit test tests/debugger/bug00886.phar misses to load phar extension (derick)
- 0001878: [Installation] Compilation failure: Socket options TCP_KEEPCNT and TCP_KEEPINTVL do not exist on Solaris 10 Sparc (derick)
- 0001884: [Documentation] Document where Xdebug's settings can be set (derick)
- 0001885: [Installation] Change xdebug.startwith settings to PHP_INI_SYSTEM|PHP_INI_PERDIR (derick)
- 0001875: [Step Debugging] Overflow with large amounts of elements for variadics (derick)
- 0001887: [Uncategorized] Crash bug with xdebug_call_class and xdebug_call_file (derick)
- 0001757: [Step Debugging] Pause-execution feature degrades performance (derick)
- 0001864: [Uncategorized] Incompatibility with PCS and protobuf extensions (derick)
- 0001866: [Documentation] Document comma separated xdebug.mode values (derick)
- 0001873: [Uncategorized] xdebug_info() segfaults if the diagnostic buffer is empty (derick)
- 0001871: [Step Debugging] The "idekey" is not set when debugging is started through XDEBUG_SESSION cookie (derick)
- 0001870: [Step Debugging] XDEBUG_SESSION_START URL parameter does not override XDEBUG_SESSION cookie (derick)
14 issues View Issues
Released 2020-10-14
- 0001783: [Tracing] Stacktrace needs vertical scrolling on small screens. (derick)
- 0001743: [Uncategorized] Figuring out whether a call is a closure uses string comparisions instead of checking the ACC flag (derick)
- 0001848: [Step Debugging] Change default Xdebug port from 9000 to 9003 (derick)
- 0001826: [Profiling] Reduce profiler memory allocation and call overhead (derick)
- 0001824: [Uncategorized] Allow Xdebug's mode to be set through an environment variable (derick)
- 0001823: [Profiling] Profiler generates negative data for memory usage (derick)
- 0001820: [Profiling] Increase time tracing precision (derick)
- 0001818: [Uncategorized] Switch variable storage from char/size_t to zend_string (derick)
- 0001817: [Uncategorized] Switch filename storage from char/size_t to zend_string (derick)
- 0001825: [Profiling] Improve profiler performance by not calling fflush after every function (derick)
- 0001812: [Tracing] Remove show_mem_delta setting (derick)
- 0001829: [Profiling] Switch to 10ns profiler resolution (derick)
- 0001831: [Uncategorized] Add diagnostics (derick)
- 0001832: [Step Debugging] If connect back host can not be contacted, fallback to remote_host/port (derick)
- 0001846: [Step Debugging] Rename setting xdebug.remote_timeout to xdebug.connect_timeout_ms (derick)
- 0001845: [Step Debugging] Rename xdebug.remote{host,port} to xdebug.client{host,port} (derick)
- 0001844: [Uncategorized] Add deprecation warning for removed and renamed configuration setting names (derick)
- 0001841: [Code Coverage] Add support for PHP 8 'match' keyword (derick)
- 0001838: [Uncategorized] Remove collect_params setting, and always default it to "4" (derick)
- 0001847: [Step Debugging] Remove xdebug.remote_cookie_expire_time setting (derick)
- 0001834: [Uncategorized] Return type must be bool in overloaded set_time_limit (derick)
- 0001833: [Uncategorized] Add links to documentation in diagnostic log (derick)
- 0001811: [Stacktraces] Remove xdebug.collect_includes setting and always include them (derick)
- 0001810: [Stacktraces] Remove collect_vars and xdebug_get_declared_vars() (derick)
- 0001809: [Uncategorized] Remove "overload_var_dump" setting (derick)
- 0001785: [Step Debugging] Replace xdebug.remote_mode and xdebug.auto_trace with generic "start-with-request" setting (derick)
- 0001773: [Uncategorized] Replace all xdebug.*_output_dir settings with xdebug.output_dir (derick)
- 0001762: [Installation] Introduce feature modes (derick)
- 0001756: [Step Debugging] Php process won't exit after running connected to a client (derick)
- 0001755: [Step Debugging] Overload pcntl_fork() to prevent performance degradation by calling xdebug_get_pid often (derick)
- 0001752: [Uncategorized] Use a stack pool to manage stack entries instead of allocating and deallocating entries (derick)
- 0001712: [Profiling] Add unit to profiler data types (derick)
- 0001680: [Uncategorized] Update var dumping routines to include relevant information for interned strings and immutable arrays (derick)
- 0001378: [Step Debugging] Unfortunate coupling of default_enable=1 and remote_mode=jit (derick)
- 0001786: [Step Debugging] Remove idekey value fallback to USER/USERNAME environment variable (derick)
- 0001789: [Uncategorized] Provide PHP stubs for Xdebug's functions (derick)
- 0001807: [Documentation] Document Xdebug installation with yum and apt (derick)
- 0001801: [Uncategorized] Rename mode 'display' to mode 'develop' (derick)
- 0001797: [Uncategorized] Implement generic logging (derick)
- 0001795: [Uncategorized] Deprecate PHP 7.1 support (derick)
- 0001794: [Code Coverage] Replace the filter's blacklist/whitelist with exclude/include (derick)
- 0001793: [Step Debugging] Add xdebug.start_upon_error setting to cover the removed xdebug.remote_mode=jit feature. (derick)
- 0001791: [Uncategorized] Replace xdebug.trigger, xdebug.trigger_value, with xdebug.start_with_request=trigger and xdebug.trigger_value (derick)
- 0001792: [Step Debugging] Change start_with_request=always/never to start_with_request=yes/no (derick)
- 0001813: [Uncategorized] Make sure that the xdebuginit*_globals don't do more than they need to, and that init is only done when xdebug.mode != off (derick)
- 0001860: [Step Debugging] Allow xdebug.cloud_id to be set through an environment variable (derick)
- 0001857: [Step Debugging] Rename xdebug.remote_addr_header to xdebug.client_discovery_header (derick)
- 0001856: [Step Debugging] Rename xdebug.remote_connect_back to xdebug.discover_client_host (derick)
- 0001837: [Uncategorized] Support for associative variadic variable names (PHP 8) (derick)
- 0001850: [Tracing] Change array variable output in tracing to use modern [] syntax (derick)
- 0001781: [Stacktraces] Include 'Xdebug' in max nesting level error message (derick)
- 0001858: [Uncategorized] Only open/close log if there is an actual message to log (derick)
52 issues View Issues
Released 2020-09-16
1 issue View Issues
Released 2020-05-29
- 0001790: [Step Debugging] Segfault in var_dump() or while debugging with protobuf extension (derick)
- 0001782: [Step Debugging] Cookie "XDEBUG_SESSION" will be soon rejected because it has the “sameSite” attribute set to none (derick)
- 0001787: [Code Coverage] Branch coverage data does not always follow the lines/functions format (derick)
3 issues View Issues
Released 2020-01-16
- 0001727: [Step Debugging] Debugger stops more often than expected due to resolving breakpoints (derick)
- 0001725: [Step Debugging] 4x debugging performance degradation after update 2.7.2 => 2.8.2 (derick)
- 0001734: [Step Debugging] Segfault with DBGp "source" with a out-of-range start line number (derick)
- 0001728: [Code Coverage] INIT_STATIC_METHOD_CALL is not overloaded (derick)
- 0001731: [Uncategorized] var_dump with DateTime does not output properties (derick)
- 0001733: [Code Coverage] SEND_VAR_NO_REF_EX opcode, used for require(), is not overloaded (derick)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2019-12-09
- 0001301: [Uncategorized] Remove aggregation profiling feature (derick)
- 0001722: [Uncategorized] Build warning issues on FreeBSD (derick)
- 0001724: [Uncategorized] Missing property types and uninitialised variables in variable dumping routines (derick)
- 0001723: [Code Coverage] Class/function pre-analysis for code coverage speed improvements (derick)
- 0001720: [Step Debugging] Remove superfluous xdebug.remote_handler setting (derick)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2019-12-02
1 issue View Issues
Released 2019-10-31
- 0001708: [Step Debugging] Xdebug crashes on evaluating object with properties (derick)
- 0001534: [Uncategorized] Segfault when exception thrown in a closure bound to class scope (derick)
- 0001665: [Step Debugging] Segfault when overriding a function object parameter + collect_params > 0 (derick)
- 0001699: [Profiling] Crash during debugging Phalcon project (derick)
- 0001705: [Step Debugging] Crash while debugging with ionCube being used (derick)
- 0001709: [Installation] Wrong data type breaks tests on Big Endian build (s390) (derick)
- 0001713: [Code Coverage] INIT_FCALL is not overloaded in code coverage (derick)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2019-08-26
- 0001540: [Code Coverage] Multiline class instantiate within method call is not covered when using php-fpm (derick)
- 0001698: [Installation] Switch PHP 7.4 Windows builds back to VS17 (derick)
- 0001691: [Code Coverage] Incorrect detection: line executed is marked as not executed (derick)
- 0001676: [Uncategorized] xdebugtrace* deinit and write_footer not called for shutdown functions (derick)
- 0001652: [Uncategorized] The DBGp "detach" test fails with a segmentation fault (derick)
- 0001613: [Uncategorized] Wrong error message for Fatal (derick)
- 0001589: [Profiling] function names used in auto_prepend_file missing from main cachegrind file (derick)
- 0001573: [Profiling] Using an exception_handler creates an extra broken profiler file (derick)
- 0001700: [Installation] Xdebug abuses possibilty immutable class flags (derick)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2019-07-25
- 0001679: [Code Coverage] FETCH_STATIC_PROP_FUNC_ARG is not overloaded (derick)
- 0001682: [Step Debugging] Invalid character reference (null byte) in debugger XML (derick)
- 0001683: [Installation] Xdebug does not compile due to changes to ASSIGN_ADD and friends operations in PHP 7.4alpha3 (derick)
- 0001687: [Step Debugging] Use appropriate process ID for logging and "is this the right process" tracking (derick)
- 0001688: [Uncategorized] Improve performance by using getpid() only when step debugger is active (derick)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2019-06-28
- 0001388: [Step Debugging] Support 'resolved' flag for breakpoints (derick)
- 0001666: [Step Debugging] Remove xdebug.extended_info setting (derick)
- 0001599: [Installation] Add support for PHP 7.4 (derick)
- 0001660: [Step Debugging] Return breakpoints for methods don't break immediately (derick)
- 0001664: [Step Debugging] Run breakpoint resolver when after a new breakpoint is added as well (derick)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2019-05-06
- 0001662: [Step Debugging] __debugInfo should not be used for user-defined classes (derick)
- 0001615: [Step Debugging] Turn off Zend OPcache when remote debugger is turned On. (derick)
- 0001586: [Uncategorized] error_reporting()'s return value is incorrect during debugger's 'eval' command (derick)
- 0001488: [Step Debugging] Rewrite property_set to use eval (derick)
- 0001656: [Step Debugging] remote_connect_back alters remote_addr_header value if multiple are used (e.g.: with multiple proxies) (derick)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2019-03-06
- 0001577: [Code Coverage] Code coverage with CATCH does wrong for PHP 7.3 (derick)
- 0001642: [Step Debugging] Debugger gives: "Warning: Header may not contain NUL bytes" (derick)
- 0001520: [Step Debugging] Xdebug does not handle variable names with "-" in their name (derick)
- 0001639: [Installation] Compile warning/error on GCC 8 or Clang due to "break intentionally missing" (derick)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2019-02-15
- 0001625: [Step Debugging] Work around ABI conflicts in PHP 7.3.0/PHP 7.3.1 (derick)
- 0001629: [Uncategorized] SOAP Client/Server detection code does not handle inherited classes (derick)
- 0001551: [Uncategorized] Property with value null is not represented well (derick)
- 0001621: [Installation] Xdebug fails to compile cleanly on 32-bit platforms (derick)
- 0001628: [Uncategorized] The PHP function name being constructed to record when GC Collection runs, is not freed (derick)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2019-02-01
- 0001583: [Step Debugging] Xdebug crashes when OPcache's compact literals optimisation is on (derick)
- 0001620: [Uncategorized] Division by zero when GC Stats Collection runs with memory manager disabled (derick)
- 0001571: [Uncategorized] File/line information is not shown for closures in namespaces (derick)
- 0001578: [Installation] Compile error due to redefinition of "zif_handler" with old GCCs (derick)
- 0001598: [Code Coverage] Make path/branch coverage work with OPcache loaded for PHP 7.3 and later (derick)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2018-09-20
1 issue View Issues
Released 2018-08-01
- 0001545: [Step Debugging] Script using notice-generating eval crashes with trap 6 (derick)
- 0001487: [Step Debugging] Re-enable IPv6 test on Travis (derick)
- 0001568: [Step Debugging] Can't debug object properties that have numeric keys (derick)
- 0001557: [Installation] Compile error: "void function cannot return value", in xdebug_stack.c, line 1159 (derick)
- 0001556: [Stacktraces] PHP with Xdebug enabled crashes when register_shutdown_function() is called with a function named call_user_funcsomething() (derick)
- 0001543: [Uncategorized] Various memory leaks due to changes in (internal) string handling (derick)
- 0001532: [Step Debugging] SIGABRT when using remote debugging and an error is thrown in eval() (derick)
- 0001525: [Stacktraces] Namespace filter does equality match instead of prefix match (derick)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2018-04-01
1 issue View Issues
Released 2018-01-29
1 issue View Issues
Released 2018-01-23
1 issue View Issues
Released 2018-01-22
- 0001506: [Uncategorized] Collect statistics about garbage collection (derick)
- 0001507: [Uncategorized] Provide access to Zend Engine GC data (derick)
- 0001515: [Step Debugging] Object property names with a NULL char are cut off at NULL char (derick)
- 0001512: [Step Debugging] Xdebug does not properly encode and escape properties with quotes and \0 characters. (derick)
- 0001511: [Installation] Implement CFLAGS selection as mongo-php-driver does (derick)
- 0001510: [Installation] Change switch/case "break intentionally missing" comments to use GCC 7's new "fallthrough" attribute (derick)
- 0001509: [Code Coverage] Code coverage missing for case inside switch with PHP 7.2 (derick)
- 0001508: [Code Coverage] Code coverage filter not checked in xdebug_common_assign_dim handler (derick)
- 0001503: [Step Debugging] Undefined Property error on CLI when inspecting private property of extended class. (derick)
- 0001492: [Documentation] Document all new settings and features (derick)
- 0001454: [Uncategorized] Seeing invalid memory read or segfaults from a __call() method when running unit test (using Phockito) in php 7.1 (derick)
- 0001514: [Step Debugging] (Root) Variable names with a NULL char are cut off at NULL char (derick)
- 0001396: [Uncategorized] XDebug causes Notice errors when handling property_get requests (derick)
- 0001516: [Step Debugging] Can't fetch variables or object properties which have \0 characters in them (derick)
- 0001517: [Step Debugging] Notifications incorrectly specify the error type in "type_string" instead of "type" (derick)
15 issues View Issues
Released 2017-12-28
- 0000702: [Tracing] Check whether variables tracing also works with =& (derick)
- 0001059: [Tracing] Add filter capabilities to tracing, stack traces, and code coverage. (derick)
- 0001437: [Profiling] Add X-Xdebug-Profile-Filename header (derick)
- 0001498: [Uncategorized] Make Xdebug use the new ZEND_EXTENSION API (derick)
- 0001493: [Documentation] Run test suite for 2.6.0dev on Windows (derick)
- 0001502: [Code Coverage] SEND_REF lines are not marked as covered (derick)
- 0001501: [Uncategorized] Xdebug var dump tries casting properties (derick)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2017-12-02
- 0001455: [Installation] Compile failure on Alpine Linux (derick)
- 0001384: [Installation] Big red warning during build process (derick)
- 0001470: [Step Debugging] Make connect timeout configurable (now 200ms) (derick)
- 0001411: [Uncategorized] Use Error (Throwable) instead of fatal error when maximum nesting level is reached (derick)
- 0001495: [Uncategorized] file_link_format add filter for doc root (derick)
- 0000575: [Uncategorized] Dump super globals contents to error log (derick)
- 0001323: [Tracing] Add config option to enable full paths in trace output (derick)
- 0000847: [Tracing] %s doesn't work in xdebug.trace_output_name (derick)
- 0000474: [Profiling] Implement memory profiling (derick)
- 0001377: [Uncategorized] Drop support for PHP 5.5 and 5.6 (derick)
- 0001484: [Step Debugging] Use FD_CLOEXEC to prevent debugging FDs from leaking to forked processes (derick)
- 0001312: [Step Debugging] Implement DBGP's extended_properties to support names and values with \0 (derick)
- 0001380: [Step Debugging] Add xdebug_is_debugger_active() that returns true when debugger is connected (derick)
- 0001379: [Step Debugging] Add support for unix domain sockets to xdebug.remote_host (derick)
- 0000990: [Step Debugging] DBGp: Add notifications for notices and warnings (derick)
- 0001474: [Uncategorized] Crashes due to variable resolving/reading mechanism not taking care of temporary hash tables correctly (derick)
- 0001430: [Step Debugging] Fix dbgpClient tests to use the TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE env var to spawn test script (derick)
- 0001486: [Code Coverage] Crash on ZEND_SWITCH_LONG / ZEND_SWITCH_STRING (derick)
- 0001471: [Uncategorized] Tracing crashes with return_assignments and ternairy operator (derick)
- 0001449: [Step Debugging] Debugging breaks with array element keys containing low-ASCII variable (derick)
- 0001420: [Code Coverage] Handle PHP 7.2's new methods for switch/case (derick)
- 0001432: [Uncategorized] Fixed memory leak with xdebug_path_info_dtor (derick)
- 0001431: [Uncategorized] Fix "use after free" with in add_name_attribute_or_element (derick)
- 0001272: [Uncategorized] property_get doesn't return attributes for SimpleXMLElement (derick)
- 0001391: [Documentation] Add backtrack for xdebug_call_class and related functions (derick)
- 0001305: [Uncategorized] "can not get property" error (derick)
- 0001482: [Installation] Change Travis configuration so that it does not run tests even if the compile fails (derick)
- 0001481: [Installation] Test suite failure on big endian (derick)
- 0000964: [Step Debugging] Xdebug does not parse X-Forwarded-For (derick)
- 0001452: [Installation] php_xdebug.dll 2.5.5 does not compile (anymore) with PHP 7.2.0alphs3 (derick)
30 issues View Issues
Released 2017-05-15
- 0001434: [Uncategorized] phpunit testcases segmentation fault with PHP 7.1.4, xdebug 2.5.3 on 32-bit architectures (derick)
- 0000799: [Uncategorized] xDebug Function Traces reports Base Class instead of Object Name (derick)
- 0001429: [Code Coverage] Coverage missed on null coalesce (derick)
- 0001424: [Uncategorized] set_time_limit() executes infinitely (derick)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2017-04-18
1 issue View Issues
Released 2017-04-17
- 0001404: [Uncategorized] Execution time is calculated incorretly (derick)
- 0001419: [Profiling] Summary not written when script ended with "pcntl_exec()" (derick)
- 0001413: [Code Coverage] Line is missing from code coverage (derick)
- 0001417: [Uncategorized] Switching from global function to static method crashes execution (derick)
- 0001416: [Uncategorized] Trace files should not include the first result of a generator if it hasn't started yet. (derick)
- 0001415: [Uncategorized] Crash with multiple catch constructs with OPcache loaded (derick)
- 0000701: [Uncategorized] Functions as array indexes. (derick)
- 0001414: [Stacktraces] Missing variable assignment in traces with OPcache loaded (derick)
- 0001403: [Code Coverage] Code coverage does not cover BIND_STATIC (derick)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2017-02-26
- 0001057: [Documentation] xdebug.ini of all parameters (derick)
- 0001165: [Step Debugging] Step Out skips subsequent function calls (derick)
- 0001300: [Uncategorized] XDebug functions are not exposing their signature to Reflection (stof)
- 0001392: [Installation] Unable to compile on FreeBSD 10.2 - error: variable has incomplete type 'struct sockaddr_in6' (derick)
- 0001394: [Code Coverage] Code coverage does not cover instanceof (in elseif) (derick)
- 0001386: [Code Coverage] Overcoming coverage issues where executable code not shown as executed/executable (derick)
- 0001385: [Step Debugging] Can not fetch IS_INDIRECT private properties (derick)
- 0001180: [Code Coverage] Running coverage on tests that use ZF1's controller test library segfault (derick)
- 0001381: [Code Coverage] Code Coverage misses line due to missing FETCH_DIM_W overload (derick)
- 0001329: [Uncategorized] While printing out a stack with and function parameters, XDebug reads uninitialized zvals or free()d memory (derick)
- 0001278: [Uncategorized] Xdebug with PHP 7 does not handle prefill-from-oparray for XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED (derick)
- 0001313: [Uncategorized] Segfault on centos when
xdebug.collect_params != 1
12 issues View Issues
Released 2016-12-04
- 0001365: [Step Debugging] Allow remote_connect_back to be set through XDEBUG_CONFIG (derick)
- 0001232: [Tracing] Add memory delta to HTML traces (derick)
- 0001168: [Uncategorized] Possible infinite loop when PHP's executor shuts down (derick)
- 0001242: [Uncategorized] Xdebug on Windows with Eclipse has issues with breakpoint IDs (derick)
- 0001343: [Uncategorized] var_dump with large keys in arrays display as negative numbers (derick)
- 0001357: [Code Coverage] Line with function signature is reported as being not executed through code coverage (derick)
- 0001366: [Step Debugging] Cannot start a debugging session on Windows (derick)
- 0001373: [Step Debugging] Crash in zend_hash_apply_with_arguments when debugging, due to unset symbol table (derick)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2016-08-02
- 0001293: [Uncategorized] Great integer values ( bigger then 2 ^35 ) are wrong in the debug output, but right in the final php-output (derick)
- 0001333: [Profiling] Profiler accesses memory structures after freeing (derick)
- 0001326: [Uncategorized] Tracing and generators crashes with PHP 7.1 (derick)
- 0001241: [Uncategorized] Xdebug doesn't handle FAST_RET and FAST_CALL opcodes for branch/dead code analysis, and path coverage (derick)
- 0001263: Code coverage segmentation fault (derick)
- 0001246: [Uncategorized] Seg fault when running PHPUnit with code coverage (derick)
- 0001106: [Uncategorized] A thrown Exception after a class with __debugInfo gives 2 Errors (derick)
- 0001291: [Installation] Debugclient installation fails on Mac OS X (derick)
- 0001288: [Uncategorized] Segfault when uncaught exception message does not contain " in " (derick)
- 0001282: [Uncategorized] var_dump() of integers > 32 bit is broken (derick)
- 0001277: Crash when another extension calls call_user_function() with params during RINIT (derick)
11 issues View Issues
Released 2016-03-03
- 0001270: [Uncategorized] String parsing marked not covered (derick)
- 0001258: [Uncategorized] Coverage does not cover
statements (derick) - 0001261: [Uncategorized] segmentation fault in xdebug.so with PHP7.0 version of 'pkgtools' (derick)
- 0001266: [Uncategorized] xdebug_dump_superglobals() always dumps empty $_SESSION stack (even thow there are some vars) (derick)
- 0001267: [Installation] Fix compile failures on AIX (derick)
- 0001262: [Uncategorized] xdebug_var_dump does not output as colored html (derick)
6 issues View Issues
Released 2016-01-25
- 0001250: [Step Debugging] Add PHP version descriptors to debugging log and profile files (derick)
- 0001245: [Uncategorized] xdebug_dump_superglobals dumps uninitialized for POST and GET superglobals (derick)
- 0001238: [Uncategorized] php-fpm7.0 crashed with SIGSEGV in xdebug_var_export() (derick)
- 0001236: [Uncategorized] Unable to remove break points during debug session (derick)
- 0001235: [Installation] Xdebug does not compile against PHP 7.1-dev (derick)
- 0001223: [Uncategorized] Xdebug crashes on PHP 7 when doing a DBGp eval command (derick)
- 0001220: [Uncategorized] Segmentation fault if var_dump() output is too large (derick)
- 0001190: [Uncategorized] All tests that have hard coded directory separators FAIL (derick)
- 0001239: [Uncategorized] Xdebug on PHP 7.1-dev, crashes due to changes with the CATCH opcode's jump mechanism (derick)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2015-12-02
- 0001194: When catching assert() from php, error message is html-encoded twice, resulting in unreadable text (derick)
- 0001219: [Uncategorized] Always add file name and line number to var_dumps, and don't rely on overload_var_dump being > 1 (derick)
- 0001181: Derived class with __get gets called on fetching base class private property (derick)
- 0001189: [Uncategorized] Remove address attribute from remote debugging responses, as they sometimes get negative and expose potential security issues (derick)
- 0001210: [Uncategorized] Code Coverage Causes Segmentation Fault (derick)
- 0001215: [Uncategorized] SIGSEGV if xdebug.trace_output_dir directory does not exist (derick)
- 0001217: [Uncategorized] Xdebug messes with catching Error (and inherited classes) (derick)
- 0001218: [Uncategorized] Xdebug messes with the exception code, by casting it to int (derick)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2015-11-21
- 0001109: [Uncategorized] PHP 7 support (derick)
- 0001129: [Step Debugging] X-Forwarded-For is not configurable (derick)
- 0001200: Differences in code coverage with php 7 (derick)
- 0001204: [Installation] xdebug_code_coverage.c:542:21: error: 'zend_op_array' has no member named 'brk_cont_array' (derick)
- 0001209: [Uncategorized] Segfault with building a function name for create_function (derick)
- 0001203: [Uncategorized] Accessing static property of a class that has no static properties crashes while remote debugging (derick)
- 0001202: [Uncategorized] Anonymous classes are not handled properly while remote debugging (derick)
- 0001195: [Uncategorized] Segfault during PHPUnit (with code coverage) (derick)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2015-11-04
- 0001153: [Uncategorized] Add function monitor functionality (derick)
- 0001183: [Uncategorized] Add xdebug.show_error_trace setting to allow/disallow to show a stack trace for every Error (throwable) (derick)
- 0001123: [Uncategorized] With Xdebug 2.3.1, PHPUnit with coverage is exponentially slower than without (derick)
- 0001182: [Uncategorized] Using PHPStorm with PHP 7 RC1 and xdebug 3.0-dev break points are passed by including setting break point at start of script (derick)
- 0001166: [Uncategorized] Using $this in __debugInfo() causes infinite recursion (Doesn't appear to be the same as issue 0001140) (derick)
- 0001173: [Uncategorized] SIGFPE in xdebug_get_monitored_functions() (derick)
- 0001070: [Uncategorized] Too many open files error with php-fpm. Connection not closed. (derick)
- 0001192: [Uncategorized] Dead code analysis does not work for generators with 'return;' (derick)
8 issues View Issues
Released 2015-06-19
- 0000686: [Step Debugging] Not possible to inspect SplObjectStorage instances with Xdebug (derick)
- 0001134: [Step Debugging] Allow introspection of ArrayObject implementation's internal storage (derick)
- 0001137: [Uncategorized] Windows does not support %zu formatting for sprintf (derick)
- 0001140: [Uncategorized] Tracing with __debugInfo() crashes Xdebug due to a stack overflow (derick)
- 0001130: [Uncategorized] PHP documentation links to local manual reference are broken at title description (derick)
- 0001151: [Uncategorized] Crash when another extension calls call_user_function() during RINIT (derick)
- 0001148: [Uncategorized] Can't disable max_nesting_function (derick)
- 0000996: [Uncategorized] Can't evaluate property of class that extends ArrayObject (derick)
- 0001133: [Uncategorized] PDO exception code value type is changed (derick)
9 issues View Issues
Released 2015-02-22
- 0000503: [Tracing] xdebug.trace_format=1 shows no variable contents with collect_params=3/4 and collect_return=1 (derick)
- 0000304: [Uncategorized] File name and line number info for var_dump() (derick)
- 0001003: [Uncategorized] Add option to xdebug_print_function_stack() to suppress filename and line number (derick)
- 0000982: [Uncategorized] Incorrect file paths in exception stack trace (derick)
- 0000980: [Uncategorized] Add a serialized format for variables when dumping (derick)
- 0000863: [Uncategorized] xdebug.overload_var_dump cannot be altered with ini_set() at runtime (derick)
- 0000722: [Uncategorized] Add stack trace limit setting (derick)
- 0000310: [Uncategorized] Allow class vars for xdebug_debug_zval() (derick)
- 0000644: [Profiling] Shared secret for profiler_enable_trigger (derick)
- 0001054: [Profiling] Profiler files need to support filename, function name compression (derick)
- 0000406: [Step Debugging] Need to see PHP defines/constants (derick)
- 0001034: [Code Coverage] Implement Branch and Path Coverage (derick)
- 0000380: [Code Coverage] need xdebug_code_coverage_started (derick)
- 0001022: [Tracing] Add support for serialized output format for collect_params. (derick)
- 0001023: [Tracing] Add support for PHP 5.6 variadics (derick)
- 0000341: [Tracing] Add time of exit for normal trace files (derick)
- 0001024: [Tracing] Add support for PHP 5.6 ASSIGN_POW (derick)
- 0000971: [Tracing] Cannot use xdebug_get_tracefile_name() output for xdebug_start_trace() (derick)
- 0000416: [Tracing] Add return value to computer readable trace format (derick)
- 0001021: [Tracing] Add support for return values to computerized trace files. (derick)
- 0001004: [Step Debugging] Ability to halt on warning/notice (derick)
- 0000932: [Step Debugging] Show an error if Xdebug can't open the remote debug log. (derick)
- 0001100: [Uncategorized] Raise default max_nesting_level to 256 (derick)
- 0001015: [Uncategorized] Set display_errors and error_reporting to immutable values (derick)
- 0000495: [Step Debugging] "exception" breakpoint, add type which responds to any error type. (derick)
- 0001084: [Step Debugging] Add extended exception class support for break-on-exception feature (derick)
- 0001102: [Uncategorized] Initiating debugging connections using "php -r" on the command line results in a segfault. (derick)
- 0001095: [Uncategorized] Crash when using a non-associate array key in a $GLOBALS element (derick)
- 0001094: [Uncategorized] Segmentation fault when attempting to use branch/path coverage from dev-master (derick)
- 0001096: [Uncategorized] Breakpoint bottleneck in large codebase (derick)
- 0000973: [Uncategorized] Breakpoints not triggered on case-insensitive file systems in files autoloaded by spl_autoload (derick)
- 0001111: [Uncategorized] eval does not work when debugger is stopped in xdebug_throw_exception_hook (derick)
- 0001066: [Uncategorized] E: Could not connect to client. :-( (derick)
- 0001101: [Uncategorized] Debugger is not triggered on xdebug_break() in jit mode (derick)
- 0001103: [Uncategorized] XDEBUG_SESSION_STOP_NO_EXEC only stops first script executed with auto_prepend|append_files (derick)
- 0001104: [Uncategorized] "Notice: Corrupt member variable name" on 1-character static property (derick)
- 0001105: [Uncategorized] Setting properties without specifying a type only works in topmost frame (derick)
37 issues View Issues
Released 2015-01-22
- 0001083: [Uncategorized] xdebug_break() "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" when remote debugging (derick)
- 0001098: [Uncategorized] Xdebug doesn't make use of __debugInfo (derick)
- 0001088: [Uncategorized] xdebug wont show dead and not executed lines at the 2nd time (derick)
- 0001087: [Uncategorized] Segmentation Fault when calling zend_eval_string from RINIT (derick)
4 issues View Issues
Released 2014-11-15
- 0001072: [Uncategorized] Dereferencing NULL pointer opline to get a lineno (derick)
- 0000960: [Uncategorized] Apache crashes on xdebug_start_code_coverage (derick)
- 0001075: [Uncategorized] Segmentation fault when "call_user_func" is invoked inside an internal function (derick)
- 0001085: [Uncategorized] Tracefile analyser script doesn't understand new format (derick)
- 0001073: Segmentation Fault 11 when nesting call_user_func_array (derick)
- 0001048: Can not get $GLOBAL variable by property_value on function context (derick)
- 0001025: [Uncategorized] Xdebug does not reject wrong breakpoint types (-t) (derick)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2014-03-01
- 0000987: [Step Debugging] Hidden property names not shown (derick)
- 0000979: [Step Debugging] It would be good if property_value recognized that -m 0 requests all bytes, not zero bytes (derick)
- 0000963: [Uncategorized] Xdebug wait response from remote client and hang up apache php mod (derick)
- 0000976: [Uncategorized] XDebug crashes if current varibles scope contains COM object (derick)
- 0000785: [Uncategorized] The Xdebug Profiler does not handle closures and call_user_func_array well (derick)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2013-05-22
- 0000923: copy of issue 0000883, Xdebug + Netbeans + ext/MongoDB crash on MongoCursor instance (derick)
- 0000929: Directory name management in xdebug.profiler_output_dir (derick)
- 0000931: xdebug_str_add does not check for NULL str before calling strlen on it. (derick)
- 0000935: [Documentation] Document the return value from xdebug_get_code_coverage() (derick)
- 0000947: [Uncategorized] Newlines converted when html_errors = 0 (derick)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2013-03-23
- 0000629: [Installation] compile failed... (derick)
- 0000598: [Step Debugging] Use HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR to determine remote debugger (derick)
- 0000920: [Installation] AM_CONFIG_HEADER is depreciated (derick)
- 0000811: [Uncategorized] PHP Documentation Link (derick)
- 0000818: [Uncategorized] Require a php script in the PHP_RINIT causes Xdebug to crash (derick)
- 0000903: [Uncategorized] xdebug_get_headers() returns replaced headers (derick)
- 0000625: [Uncategorized] xdebug_get_headers() -> Headers are reset unexpectedly. (derick)
7 issues View Issues
Released 2012-07-14
- 0000868: Socket Exception in Netbeans (derick)
- 0000821: [Tracing] Variable assignments (beginning with =>) should be indented one more scope (derick)
- 0000800: [Uncategorized] var_dump(get_class(new foo\bar')) add an extra "\" in class name (derick)
- 0000627: [Uncategorized] breakpoints set in symlinked files are ignored (derick)
- 0000832: [Uncategorized] There is a seg fault (11) and core dump during debugging in PhpStorm (derick)
- 0000835: [Uncategorized] xDebug don't work with PHP 5.4.1 (derick)
- 0000837: [Uncategorized] xdebug crashes on some breakpoints (derick)
- 0000841: [Uncategorized] xdebug + netbeans + MySQLi => java.net.SocketException: Connection reset (derick)
- 0000843: [Uncategorized] Text output depends on php locale (derick)
- 0000831: [Uncategorized] Debugging terminates in Eclipse when viewing variables (0000797, contd) (derick)
- 0000830: [Uncategorized] Crash when evaluating variables from remote Eclipse IDE (derick)
- 0000839: xdebug shows wrong data in debug (when using static class vars?) (derick)
- 0000838: Xdebug shows static vars twice (derick)
13 issues View Issues
Released 2012-05-07
- 0000824: XDebug terminates when viewing STATIC variable and 2 or more variables (derick)
- 0000827: [Uncategorized] Enabling Xdebug causes phpt tests to fail because of var_dump() formatting issues (derick)
- 0000797: [Uncategorized] XDebug terminates (or Eclipse loses it?) when viewing variables (derick)
- 0000728: [Uncategorized] Profiler reports __call() invocations confusingly/wrongly (derick)
- 0000819: [Uncategorized] Xdebug 2.2.0RC2 can't stand on a breakpoint more than 30 seconds (derick)
5 issues View Issues
Released 2012-04-22
- 0000751: [Uncategorized] xDebug crashes various versions Apache (derick)
- 0000775: [Uncategorized] eaa74b501c75dcd9c9912d5ef407625b782fcd26 broke resume (derick)
- 0000794: [Uncategorized] Allow colored output on Windows (derick)
- 0000784: [Documentation] Unlimited feature for var_display_max_data and var_display_max_depth is undocumented (derick)
- 0000798: [Documentation] Provide documentation for setting up xdebug.file_link_format to use Netbeans (or any IDE) on Windows (derick)
- 0000801: [Uncategorized] Segfault with streamwrapper, unclosed $fp and xdebug on destruction (derick)
- 0000808: [Installation] Xdebug doesn't compile on AIX (derick)
- 0000774: [Uncategorized] Apache crashes on POST requests when using xdebug (derick)
- 0000764: [Installation] Tailored Installation instructions do not work. (derick)
- 0000758: [Uncategorized] php_value xdebug.idekey is ignored in .htaccess files (derick)
- 0000662: [Uncategorized] idekey is set to running user (derick)
11 issues View Issues
Released 2010-03-20
1 issue View Issues
Released 2010-03-20
- 0000494: [Uncategorized] Private attributes of parent class unavailable when inheriting
1 issue View Issues