Xdebug - Change Log
Released 2020-11-26
- 0001843: [Uncategorized] Adjust XDEBUG_CONFIG checks, and document what can be set through it (derick)
- 0001892: [Documentation] Document changed/removed ini settings in the upgrade guide with the links provided (derick)
- 0001835: [Uncategorized] Add current trace and profile file name, to diagnostic page (derick)
- 0001889: [Uncategorized] max_nesting_level should only trigger in "develop" mode (derick)
- 0001726: [Uncategorized] Memory leaks spotted in various places in typical error code paths (derick)
- 0001888: [Uncategorized] Make headers sticky in xdebug_info() output (derick)
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