Scheduled For Release 2024-11-29
  • 0002281: [Uncategorized] PHP 8.4 support
  • 0002150: [Code Coverage] Collapse the two FOREACH start op codes into one to improve path/branch coverage accurateness
  • 0001964: [Step Debugging] WSL UNC paths don't have needed prefix (derick)
  • 0001269: [Uncategorized] xdebug_break() does not work in PHP Interactive Shell (derick)
  • 0002072: [Profiling] Rewrite the profiler
  •        0001670: [Profiling] Allow filtering out source code when profiling
  •        0000077: [Profiling] Profiler doesn't handle recursive functions (derick)
  •        0000407: [Profiling] Profilerdumpfile name is always auto_prepend_file name (derick)
  • 0001852: [Step Debugging] Add SSL support to talk to Xdebug Cloud
  • 0001799: [Code Coverage] Inconsistent output of branch/path data when running under Opcache (derick)
  • 0001985: [Step Debugging] Add filter support for step debugging
  • 0001702: [Step Debugging] External file path mapping function for debug
  • 0001342: [Step Debugging] Support -d parameter for eval (derick)
  • 0000888: [Step Debugging] Extend xdebug to support reverse debugging (derick)
  • 0001800: [Uncategorized] Enable and initialise 'filter' only when mode is trace or coverage
  • 0002213: [Step Debugging] Give access to thrown Exception object (derick)
  • 0002160: [Code Coverage] Path coverage data non collected from from generators (derick)
  • 0001979: [Uncategorized] Xdebug crashes with opcache.protect_memory=yes
  • 0001815: [Tracing] valgrind memory warning with tests/tracing/bug00905-php72.phpt (derick)
  • 0002262: [Uncategorized] PHP 8.4: Closure names need different wrapping algorithm (derick)
1 of 20 issue(s) resolved View Issues